About the Journal

There are very limited journals within the scope of software engineering and when it comes to specific computer systems and software engineering, the limitation is further increased. The peer-review time and publishing time of current journals are huge due to the limited resources. Also, the numbers of submissions are high in these journals. Hence, this journal will be open access and scholarly journal that will publish original and high-quality research papers that cover all aspects of both computer science and information systems and also contribute new theoretical results in all areas.

IJACSSE will be double peer blind review journal and will be designed to serve researchers, developers, graduate students and other interested in research activities of computer science and information system. The journal will provide an important academic exchange platform for scientists and researchers to be familiar with the most up-to-date academic trends and inquire about valuable primary sources for reference.

IJACSSE will accept manuscripts through Open Journal System (OJS). OJS is a journal management and publishing system that has been introduced by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research. OJS is open source software made freely available to journals all over the world for the reason of making open access publishing a feasible option for more journals

IJACSSE will publish four issues per year in the start. Later on frequency can be modified as per requirements.