Formal Theory of Use of Social Networking Sites in Academic Communication
A social network can be represented mathematically using set theory, matrix expression, algebraic expressions,
graph theory, and network theory.
In this paper, a formal theory of Global Management Educational social network system (GMESNS) is
discussed. It is shown that properties and attributes of an offline social network are applicable to online social
network. The logical and deductive arguments are all based on exhaustive review of literature.
Given possibility of social networking using GMESNS amongst { all management institutes ,and three types
of actors namely teachers, students and alumina } it is established that one can think of exactly ten types
of ties definable between the actors in the system, where the institutions themselves enter as participating
Further, a model is proposed to do to a cost benefit analysis of including social networking sites in formal
education, on the basis of a Social Networking System with these ten basic types of ties and all actors
as above participating in it.