
  • Damodar Krishna Lim Nimaia Information and Communication Technology Department, Seberang Perai Polytechnic, Malaysia
  • Lee Song Yi Information and Communication Technology Department, Seberang Perai Polytechnic, Malaysia
  • Noor Hafizzah Binti Ismail Information and Communication Technology Department, Seberang Perai Polytechnic, Malaysia


COVID-19 , face mask and temperature detector , contactless temperature detector


The World Health Organization has declared that COVID-19 is a pandemic (2020). The pathogenesis of COVID-19 is still unclear at this time, but because COVID-19 is similar to other coronaviruses and respiratory diseases it indicates that the disease can spread through large respiratory droplets and direct or indirect contact with infected secretions. Wearing a face mask is mandatory in Malaysia when a person is in a public place to curb the spread of this disease. However, researchers are aware that there will be problems in complying with the guidelines of wearing face masks among users of library of Seberang Perai Polytechnic (PSP). Therefore, to overcome this problem, the researchers have developed a project that involves setting Face Mask and Temperature (FMT) Detector. The research methodology includes the use of components integration between webcams, contactless temperature sensor MLX90614, Raspberry Pi 3B, character LCD display, piezo buzzer and Python programming language to provide a detector based on Agile models. Originally designed to detect and display temperature readings of those entering the library, to remind those who may have forgotten to wear face masks while entering the library to wear face masks by displaying an indicator mark on the LCD screen and sounding the alarm. It will also warn those whose temperature exceeds 37.5℃ with a buzzer sound as a warning. This is meant for low-cost self-check devices, which means it can be placed in strategic locations and users need to self-scan scan their faces facing the detector as is the case in most places nowadays. But the difference is, if there is no face mask, the detector will not show the temperature unless the alarm sounds and ‘facemask = X’ will be displayed on the screen. In the future, this device can be widely used commercially everywhere at a more economical cost.




How to Cite

Lim Nimaia, D. K. ., Yi, L. S. ., & Binti Ismail, N. H. . (2021). FACE MASK AND CONTACTLESS TEMPERATURE DETECTOR. International Journal of Advanced Computer Systems and Software Engineering, 2(3), 35–41. Retrieved from https://journal.scientiaca.org/index.php/ijacsse/article/view/45


